Dorothy Gabori “Sunset Over Bentick Island” Original Acrylic Painting on Canvas 92cm x136cm
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Original artwork!
Artist: Dorothy Gabori
Title: Sunset Over Bentick Island
Size/Medium 92cm x 136cm
Category: Acrylic on canvas-painting
Certificate of authenticity: YES
Mornington Island artist Dorothy Gabori
Born: 1959
Origin: Dulkawalne – Bentinck Island
Language: Kayardild
“I am the fifth child of my mother Sally Gabori. My father was Pat Gabori, he was a hunter, a hard working old fella. We use to go bush with our parents who taught us a lot about our homelands both Bentinck Island and Sweers Island.
I love being at the Art Centre with my sisters and the rest of my family. We learn so much from the old people about our land and country. There is always so many activities to get into, I am glad that we have the Art Centre to go to.”