Frank Watt “Dingo Totem” Original Acrylic Painting on Canvas 50cm x 40cm


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Original painting!

Artist: Frank Watt
Title: “Dingo Totem”
Size/Medium 50cm x 40cm
Certificate of authenticity (COA): YES

Mornington Island artist Frank Watt

It was said the dingo, Ngarembee travelled from the inland out in the desert near Uluru. The dingo dreaming people travelled in groups hunting and gathering food and living off the land. One day a pretty young woman walked into the camp of the dingo totem people and all the young men went crazy over her. She chanted love songs at night to charm the man she wanted. Finally she did charm a young brave tribal warrior. She chanted him as her husband and decided to move north east. When they reached Bailey Point they crossed the channel to Forsyth Island she. She had her children on Forsyth Island and moved on while all the young totem people, mainly men, were left far behind. From Bailey Point they came north to Mornington Ireland and lived for a very long time. Now back on Bailey point and at night you will hear the young male dingo crying for that young woman. Some part of this story is sacred and you can’t be told all the story. The dingo dreaming is the biggest.