Iron Ore Bracelet with Water Dreaming Artwork by Shorty Jangala Robertson


  • Artwork mounted on a hematite tablet (iron ore) from Western Australia

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This Vanessa Australia iron ore bracelet is a collaboration with Indigenous artist Shorty Jangala Robertson and features her Water Dreaming Artwork. It is made from Australian hematite (iron ore) renowned for it’s ability to assist with blood circulation.

This Warlu Bracelet is part of the Dreamtime Iron Ore Collection featuring stories from the Warlukurlangu Artists of Yuendumu.

  • Made in Australia
  • Material: Iron ore beads
  • Artwork mounted on a hematite tablet (iron ore) from Western Australia
  • Length: 19cm with adjustable clasp
  • Royalties paid to Artist

Artwork Story: Shorty Ngapa Jukurrpa ( Water Dreaming )

The site depicted in this painting is Puyurru, west of Yuendumu. In the usually dry creek bed are water soakage or naturally occurring wells. Two Jangala men, rainmakers, sang for rain, unleashing a giant storm. It traveled across the country, lighting and striking the land. The storm met up with a storm from Wapurtali, to the west.
It was picked up by a bird and carried further west until the load bacame too heavy for it to bear and it dropped that storm on Purlungyanu, where it created a giant soakage. At Puyurru the bird dug up a giant snake, Wanayarra, that carried the water with it and created a giant lake, Jillyiumpa