Mornington Island Book : Mission Times by Dolly Loogatha, Stories from Mornington Island Dormitories


6 in stock


Mission Times” shares the life story of Mornington Island artist Dolly Loogatha, retold as a children’s book but enjoyed by all and brought to life with illustrations by the students of Mornington Island State School. It recounts how, as a small child in the 1940s, Dolly was taken from her parents when her people were forced off Bentinck Island and relocated to Mornington Island to live under mission control. She recalls growing up in the dormitory, then being sent as a teenager to work as a domestic on mainland stations, sharing moments that are funny, shocking, and deeply moving. Today, Dolly is a talented Gulf artist—explore her remarkable art pieces available for sale.

Mornington Island Artist – Dolly Loogatha