Ghost Net Earrings by Nancy Kiwat (Blue & Green)


Exquisite large ghost net earrings by Torres Strait Islander artist Nancy Kiwat, woven in blue, white, and green hues and adorned with gold-coloured hooks.

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Ghost nets, which are abandoned or lost fishing nets that pose a threat to marine life and ecosystems, refer to discarded fishing nets. Nancy Kiwat intricately handcrafts these Ghost Net Earrings using the discarded nets that wash up on the beach at her home on Darnley Island. These earrings not only showcase a blend of cultural heritage and sustainable fashion but also contribute to environmental conservation by repurposing ghost nets.

  • Handcrafted in Australia
  • 6 cm in diameter
  • Nancy Kiwat is an Indigenous Artist

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About Nancy Kiwat

Nancy Kiwat, born on Thursday Island and raised on Erub, proudly belongs to the Saisarem tribal clan. Her passion for art began in school and flourished as she delved into screen-printing and jewelry making, later joining Erub Arts. Renowned for her distinctive creations, she often incorporates recycled materials from the Torres Strait Islands, notably ghost nets. Her exceptional hand-crafted art has earned numerous awards and international acclaim, especially for her captivating 3D sculptures.